Posts by Kovarex

Friday Facts #115 - The power switch

Posted by kovarex on 2015-12-08


Friday Facts #114 - Better train conditions

Posted by kovarex on 2015-11-27

Hello, it feels really nice these weeks. We actually have some time to improve the game instead of just fixing bugs. Lets take a look on some of the improvements.

Friday Facts #113 - Better rail building

Posted by kovarex on 2015-11-20

Hello, 0.12 will be stable soon, so is a good time to start making you want things from 0.13 right? :)

Friday Facts #111 - Long term plans

Posted by kovarex on 2015-11-06

Hello, It is exactly a year since we moved to the new office. I had also the Factorio presentation in the university for the third time already (third year), and I realized it is the third time I said there that Factorio will be finished in a year. I want to believe it to be true this time so we will try to really make it happen.

Friday Facts #109 - The team photo

Posted by kovarex on 2015-10-23


Friday Facts #108 - Unexpected features

Posted by kovarex on 2015-10-16

Hello, let's start with small random facts: Tomas is on vacation this week, he is having a break from the system. Our boiler is broken again, so it is pretty cold in the office and everyone is wearing long sleeves or jackets here. We are slowly switching to visual studio 2015, so we might use even more of the C++11 features soon.

Friday Facts #106 - Brain satisfaction tool

Posted by kovarex on 2015-10-02

Hello, there is a sickness running around the office this week and I wasn't excluded so there is a growing pile of used tissues on the table while I'm writing this and when Robert talks, he sounds like a creeper from horror movies :)

Friday Facts #103 - Prototyping ahead

Posted by kovarex on 2015-09-11

Hello, I went back to reading sci-fi these weeks, and I'm amazed by the amount of interesting ideas are there. One of the first short stories from Philip K. Dick I read is called autofac, it is about auto replicating industrial factories that got out of control. This reminded me Factorio a lot. One day, we will have to extend the game to make self replicating factories possible, because that was actually the first goal I had in mind when I started thinking about this game, so it would be really pity to miss it.

Friday Facts #101 - The players are real people

Posted by kovarex on 2015-08-28

Hello, I was talking with a guy in a pub yesterday and when we get to the topic what we do, I told him that I do a computer game. He asked me what is the name of it, and when I told him it is Factorio he couldn't believe me. He actually knew it, he played it from the alpha release and he apparently really liked it. I didn't expect at all that some stranger would know the game. This was really a nice confirmation, that the sales and forum posts are probably real people playing the game, not just some numbers in a database and I won't lie to you, the experience is nice :).

Friday Facts #98 - Just fixing bugs

Posted by kovarex on 2015-08-07

Hello, another bugfixing week is behind us, there seems to be temperature records every other day in the Czech Republic so the productivity is much better during the night, when it is "only" 25 degrees. Now I start to experience the need of siesta and night live in the countries with hot climate.